Ape pun BOLEH..
i write + u read = we share

Just For Laugh 2..

Pelik2 iklan kat paper org putih ni yee...bloopers ni...

Murah la sgt....


Xde org nak benti pegang signboard tu...

Agak2 anjing tu paham x?

Kawan ape mcm ni....hampehhh...!!~

Org turun...ade plak mamat tu naik...hahaha..

Eja school pon xbetul...xskolah kot org ni..

ade org minum ke air tu?huhu...

camne diorang cairkan kete??

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i'm an UiTM ex-student and USANA Associates..:D welcome to my blog.. where i write and u read.. dont forget to leave a comment... :-) lalala... any Questions about USANA Products and Business opportunity,feel free to- email me at : zahirmd@gmail.com FaceBook : facebook.com/zahirmd

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